Sunday, February 15, 2015

The pin trading continues

Less than 12 hours since the last post about pins and now I'm being bombarded by "did you see this one?" and  "take a picture of mine!"  They are having so much fun with the pin trading!

Here.... now it's your turn to see some of the pins we've acquired in the last half a day.

(I should note that the players opted to spend their whole evening at le Colisee trading pins, rather than go see a movie. ) It's THAT much fun!

I did get a bit of a laugh when one of the boys said, "one of the teams tried to trade us knives for pins! But we wouldn't trade them."  I asked "who?" and he replied.... The Swiss Team.  I burst out.... "Swiss? Swiss!!! They wanted to give you ACTUAL SWISS ARMY KNIVES?? Cool!! You need to make that trade!"  

We actually play the Swiss team in exhibition on Tuesday. Perhaps they can re-negotiate that trade during the face off or something.

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